Luggage Handle Dynamic Load Test
See the process of the handle dynamic load test in ZHONGDI.
See the process of the handle dynamic load test in ZHONGDI.
ZHONGDI will be installing our own generator in the factory by end of Oct.
3Imboni Yokwenza Imithwalo Yezingane Yezingane
Sizophendula ngaphakathi 12 amahora, sicela unake i-imeyili enezijobelelo "@luggagekids.com".
Futhi, ungaya ku Ikhasi Lokuxhumana, elihlinzeka ngefomu elinemininingwane eyengeziwe, uma uneminye imibuzo mayelana nemikhiqizo yetroli noma ungathanda ukuthola isixazululo semithwalo kuxoxiswene ngaso.
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