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Let the luggage shipper tell you how to choose the luggage most scientifically!

Let the luggage shipper tell you how to choose the luggage most scientifically!
collapsible luggage

What kind of suitcase do you choose?

The first choice is, of course, hard luggage with wheels, which is not only convenient for passengers, but also easier for baggagemen to carry.

If there are wheels, we can push them when we are on the plane,” said an airport bellman. “Otherwise, we have to throw our luggage up and down, so hard or hard-edged luggage is the most secure.

How to box the most scientific?

However, even with rigid luggage, luggage is more or less squeezed from all directions during check-in and on the aircraft, which may cause damage to the luggage and luggage.

To avoid this, it is best to fill the suitcase, such as packing souvenirs bought during travel in the space inside the suitcase, or stuffing bubble films and newspapers, and just throwing them away wherever possible.

But don’t push things into the box too extreme. If there is too much luggage, it will be easy to break the lever and handle.

How to avoid theft or loss?

Although many airports have introduced advanced luggage systems and radio frequency identification technology, cases of luggage theft still occur from time to time, so it is necessary to lock your luggage or change the luggage password in time.

In addition, in order to avoid finding that your luggage is completely lost after arriving at your destination, it is best to choose a direct flight and go to the airport early to check in.

You will never know what your luggage went through during check-in. In order to avoid damage to the luggage, the best way is to carry it with you. Choose a small size luggage that can be carried on the plane!



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Luggage has become a daily necessity, and consumers need to pay attention to quality when purchasing. There are simple methods to select beautiful and durable luggage.

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