Trolley Case Made of 100% PC Competes with Other Materials
Because PC is lighter and more robust, it frequently substitutes metal and glass as vehicle roof production materials
Because PC is lighter and more robust, it frequently substitutes metal and glass as vehicle roof production materials
1.The trolley box should be used with caution in high temperature, strong acid and strong alkali environments
Three major points of select amongst so many different designs of luggage.
Today, the trolley bag has quietly crept into the streets and emerged as a useful companion for daily life and travel.
ABS suitcases have the advantages of being reasonably durable, resistant to deformation, strong, and difficult to shatter.
Laat die bagasievervaardiger jou vertel hoe om die bagasie die meeste wetenskaplik te kies!
Ons moet oor die bagasie se rol dink voordat ons die funksionaliteite ondersoek.
Ek is diep betrokke by verskeie kliënte/handelsmerke,gelisensieerde produkte en ontwikkeling.
Die stappe om die wagwoord van bagasie terug te vind
Ons sal binne reageer 12 ure, let asseblief op die e-pos met die agtervoegsel "".
Ook, jy kan gaan na die Kontak Bladsy, wat 'n meer gedetailleerde vorm verskaf, as jy meer navrae het vir trollie produkte of 'n bagasie oplossing wil kry wat onderhandel is.
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